When choosing travel insurance, do not just rely on recommendations in the travel agency. It may be unnecessarily expensive or not reliable. It is better to decide for yourself and choose the best.
All-year or short-term?
The basic question. If you are traveling abroad once a year, for example for a eight-day holiday, the choice is clear. Short-term travel insurance. All year insurance is suitable when you travel abroad more. For three trips across the border, the all year round insurance is already worth the price. And it protects you not only at the sea. But, for example, while wandering in Austria, the Czech Republic or Hungary. Because it's already abroad. And even if you would have the European Health Insurance Card, it only applies to state hospitals, and you will still have to pay extras yourself. It is worthy to check the whole year's insurance cost on internet calculators.
Beware of bonus insurance
Sometimes you have travel insurance as a bonus, for example, to a credit card or to different cards. However, remember that what is free is usually not the most ideal. That's why you'd better verify territorial validity and insurance limits. They are sometimes pitifully low.
Do not underestimate extra insurance
It is also possible to choose different kinds of extra coverage for travel insurance. This has advantages, for example, when speaking about year-round insurance. You can set it up generally, and than you can take individual extra insurances for specific trips. For example, this concerns a cancellation policy which can also be insured separately. It can also be booked for a specific tour or trip. This can then cover, for example, hotel cancellation fees, tickets, or other bills if you, for some reason, can not travel. Beware, however, of the date when you close the cancellation. It must be the same as the date when you bought the trip, otherwise the waiting time will take several weeks.
Child insurance is specific
Although insurers do not recommend traveling with children at a very young age, they cover children from the first day of birth. Children are subject to the same insurance conditions and coverage as for adults with a single difference.
Until the age of 18, no mountain insurance is needed in Slovakia. Because while adultshave to pay mountain rescue service on their own, for children, their intervention is free of charge automatically. So you do not need to think about mouintain insurance at all.
Get the right travel insurance